Your beauty is beyond measure; every time I see you my heart becomes as light as a feather. The moment when we are finally together my life will be so much better. Love can be a gift and a curse but resistance will often cause it to take a turn for the worse. We have grown past that stage and now our relationship flows like water. Making life more fitting for our daughter. No one will ever know the struggle that we went through. A struggle that helped build this high energy bond between me and you.
As we spoke on the phone two days before your birthday we talked about the special memories that we share. As we sat in deep thought we discovered that we had very of these memories but perception is everything. A few special ones are better than none at all.
This was the first day that our souls intertwined
forever trapped in an eternal struggle for love.
On this day our hearts beat as one
filled with true love energy.
As you gave birth to Aniyah Franklin from your creative womb I stood watching impatiently. I told you to "Hurry up and push because I was getting sleepy". We think back on this moment frequently and laugh at the fact that I would say something so crazy.
We were separated at the time but we made last minute plans to meet up for New Years Eve. At first sight our love energy synchronized. (Sparking a dwindled flame yearning to be rekindled). A weekend filled with passion and mental stimulation. This was no accident. Yes, this was meant to be. Forever in love You and Me.
Our Loveline will continue to grow with time. I look forward to sharing life’s special moments with you.